

Find 4 divided by fraction numerator 8 over denominator 15 end fraction

  1. fraction numerator 15 over denominator 2 end fraction    
  2. fraction numerator 2 over denominator 5 end fraction    
  3. fraction numerator 2 over denominator 15 end fraction    
  4. fraction numerator 2 over denominator 9 end fraction    


When there is a fraction in the denominator then we multiply the reciprocal of the denominator with the numerator to find the value of the problem.

The correct answer is: fraction numerator 15 over denominator 2 end fraction

    When there is a fraction in the denominator then we multiply the reciprocal of the denominator with the numerator to find the value of the problem.
    4 divided by fraction numerator 8 over denominator 15 end fraction equals 4 cross times fraction numerator 15 over denominator 8 end fraction (Reciprocal of fraction numerator 8 over denominator 15 end fraction is fraction numerator 15 over denominator 8 end fraction)
    equals fraction numerator 15 over denominator 2 end fraction
    Therefore, 4 space divided by space 8 over 15 space equals space 15 over 2

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