

Find which of these are not equivalent to others.

  1. 33 fraction numerator 1 over denominator 3 end fraction    
  2. fraction numerator 2 over denominator 3 end fraction    
  3. 0.666    
  4. 66.6 %    


Convert percentage to decimal. Find out the decimal values of fraction and mixed fraction numbers and find out the odd one.

The correct answer is: 33 fraction numerator 1 over denominator 3 end fraction

    A right parenthesis space 66.6 percent sign space equals space fraction numerator 66.6 over denominator 100 end fraction space equals space 0.666
B right parenthesis space 0.666
C right parenthesis space 2 over 3 space equals space 0.666
D right parenthesis space 33 1 third space equals space 33.333
    Here, 33 fraction numerator 1 over denominator 3 end fraction  decimal value is different, rest all other options are equivalent to 0.666

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