

Identify the fraction that can NOT be replaced with 1 when estimating?

  1. fraction numerator 9 over denominator 10 end fraction    
  2. fraction numerator 8 over denominator 9 end fraction    
  3. fraction numerator 13 over denominator 19 end fraction    
  4. fraction numerator 1 over denominator 9 end fraction    


Fractions are referred to as the components of a whole in mathematics. A single object or a collection of objects might be entire. A piece or sector of any quantity is another name for the fraction. It is indicated by the sign "/," such as a/b. For instance, in the fraction 2/4, the lower part represents the denominator, and the top part the numerator.
We have given a fractional number and we have to identify the fraction that cannot be replaced with 1.

The correct answer is: fraction numerator 1 over denominator 9 end fraction

    In general, the whole can be any particular thing or value, and the fraction might be a portion of any quantity out of it. The top and bottom numbers of a fraction are explained by the fundamentals of fractions. Fractions are further broken down into various categories based on the characteristics of the numerator and denominator.
    As follows:
    • Proper fractions
    • Improper fractions
    • Mixed fractions
    • Like fractions
    • Unlike fractions
    • Equivalent fractions
    Estimating sums and differences of fractions to the nearest 1/2:
    • Fractions < 1/4 are rounded down to 0
    • Fractions ≥ 1/4 and ≤ 3/4 are rounded to 1/2
    • Fractions > 3/4 are rounded up to 1
    Here the fraction that we have given is 13 over 198 over 9fraction numerator 9 over denominator 10 end fractionand 1 over 9, we have to identify the fraction that cannot be replaced with 1.
    So after looking at these numbers we can round them off as follows:
    fraction numerator 13 over denominator 19 end fraction can be rounded to 1
    8 over 9 can be rounded to 1
    fraction numerator 9 over denominator 10 end fraction can be rounded to 1
    1 over 9 can be rounded to 0.
    So, fraction numerator 1 over denominator 9 end fraction cannot be rounded to 1

    The numerical numbers that make up a fraction of the whole are called fractions. A whole can be a single item or a collection of items. A fraction is represented as a/b, where a and b are the numerator and denominator, respectively. Here we were given a fractional number and we have to identify the fraction that cannot be replaced with 1, so, fraction numerator 1 over denominator 9 end fraction cannot be rounded to 1.

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