Tell whether it is a floor function or a ceiling function
Graph-1 Graph-2
- Graph-1: Floor function; Graph-2: Ceiling function
- Graph-1: Ceiling function; Graph-2: Floor function
- Graph-1: Floor function; Graph-2: Floor function
- Graph-1: Ceiling function; Graph-2: Ceiling function
Solid dot means including and open dot means not including.
The correct answer is: Graph-1: Floor function; Graph-2: Ceiling function
The graph-1 represents floor function f(x) = ⌊x⌋ and the graph-2 represents ceiling function f(x) = ⌈x⌉
In the ceil function , the open dot is on the left and the solid dot on the right.
In the ceil function , the solid dot is on the left and the open dot on the right.
Know what are floor, ceil functions, open dot ,closed dot,