

The scatter plot shows the number of visitors at an art show in relation to admission price. Point A on the graph represent _____________.

  1. When the ticket price was $15 a total of 120 visitors attended the art show.
  2. When the ticket price was $120 a total of 15 visitors attended the art show.
  3. When the ticket price was $5 a total of 240 visitors attended the art show.
  4. When the ticket price was $20 a total of 60 visitors attended the art show.


On a scatter plot, any given point represents relationship between 2 variables (shown on x-axis and y-axis).

The correct answer is: When the ticket price was $15 a total of 120 visitors attended the art show.

    Scatter diagram representing relationship between 'admission price' and 'Number of visitors'.
    TO FIND-
    What does point A on the graph represents.
    We know that Point A on the given graph represents the relationship between admission price and number of visitors in the art show.
    When we read the graph, we observe that the x coordinate (i.e. admission price) and y coordinate (i.e. number of visitors) of point A are (15,120).
    Hence, Point A represents that when the ticket price was $15 a total of 120 visitors attended the art show.
    Option 'a' i.e. 'When the ticket price was $15 a total of 120 visitors attended the art show.' is the correct answer to the given question.