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Write the following expressions in statements: 10z
z is multiplied by 10
10 is multiplied by 10
Either a or b
Both a and b
The above equation represents an algebraic expression. Algebraic expression has two components, a variable and constant. Variable is a quantity that doesn't have fixed value. Here, the variable is z. And constant is a quantity having fixed value. In the given equation we have to find the operation between the variable and constant.
The correct answer is: z is multiplied by 10
The given equation is 10z. The above equation is multiplication. As there is no sign between the variable and constant, it is considered as multiplication. In the equation we are multiply a variable quantity which is z, by a constant which is 10. The variable z will have different values for different conditions. Therefore, option (a) which is 'z is multipled by 10' is the right option.