

Mathematically state law of conservation of momentum.

  1. m subscript 1 end subscript u subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript u subscript 2 end subscript equals m subscript 1 end subscript v subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript v subscript 2 end subscript    
  2. m subscript 1 end subscript v subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript u subscript 2 end subscript equals m subscript 1 end subscript u subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript v subscript 2 end subscript    
  3. m subscript 1 end subscript u subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 1 end subscript v subscript 1 end subscript equals m subscript 2 end subscript v subscript 2 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript u subscript 2 end subscript    
  4. v subscript 1 end subscript u subscript 1 end subscript plus v subscript 2 end subscript u subscript 2 end subscript equals m subscript 1 end subscript v subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript v subscript 2 end subscript plus m subscript 1 end subscript u subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript u subscript 2 end subscript    


For any collision occurring in an isolated system, momentum is conserved

The correct answer is: m subscript 1 end subscript u subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript u subscript 2 end subscript equals m subscript 1 end subscript v subscript 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 end subscript v subscript 2 end subscript

    • For two or more bodies in an isolated system acting upon each other, their total momentum remains constant unless an external force is applied. Therefore, momentum can neither be created nor destroyed.
    •  The formula for the law of conservation of momentum is: m 1 u 1 + m 2 u 2 = m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2.

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