

E t h y l space a l c o h o l space r e a c t s space w i t h space H C l space b u t space n o t space w i t h space H C N space b e c a u s e colon

  1. C subscript 2 H subscript 5 O H space i s space w e a k space b a s e space a n d space H C N space i s space w e a k space b a s e
  2. C subscript 2 H subscript 5 O H space i s space s t r o n g space a c i d space a n d space H C N space i s space w e a k space a c i d
  3. H C l space i s space s t r o n g space a c i d space a n d space C subscript 2 H subscript 5 O H space i s space w e a k space b a s e
  4. None of the above

The correct answer is: H C l space i s space s t r o n g space a c i d space a n d space C subscript 2 H subscript 5 O H space i s space w e a k space b a s e

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