

The parallel sides of a trapezium are 30 cm and 10 cm and the other two sides are 13 cm and 21 cm. Find its area?


Draw the parallel line from B parallel to AD which cuts the CD at E .
We get a triangle and parallelogram. we find the area of triangle in both heron's
method and using formula area = ½ b × h and equating we get height h
Now , find the area of Trapezium =  ½ height × (sum of lengths of parallel sides).

The correct answer is: 252 cm2

    Ans :- 252 cm2.
    Explanation :-
    Step 1:- Given lengths of parallel sides is 10 and 30 cm .
    Length of non parallel sides is 21 and 13 cm
    We get a triangle and parallelogram ABED
    we get BE = 21 cm ; DE = 10 cm (opposites sides of parallelogram )
    CE = CD-DE = 30 - 10 = 20 cm .

    Step 2:- Equate the areas and find value of height h
    10 h equals 126 not stretchy rightwards double arrow h equals 126 over 10 equals 12.6 cm
    Step 3:-Find the area of trapezium
    text  Area of trapezium  end text equals 1 half cross times left parenthesis text  height  end text right parenthesis cross times left parenthesis text  sum of lengths of parallelsides)  end text
    text  Area of trapezium  end text equals 1 half open parentheses bold 126 over bold 10 close parentheses left parenthesis 10 plus 30 right parenthesis equals 126 cross times 2 equals 252 cm squared
    Therefore, Area of trapezium ABCD  = 252 cm2.

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