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The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes – Uses of Water

Grade 4
Jun 1, 2023

Importance of Water

Living things need water to grow and survive. It is important as a solvent that helps in dissolving salts. Water supports a number of metabolic activities. Water is used for a variety of purposes, such as bathing, washing clothes, drinking, brushing teeth, etc.

Water as a solvent
Water as a solvent
Water for bathing   
Water for bathing   
Water for drinking
Water for drinking

It aids in removing poisons from our systems.

It is released during respiration and is essential for photosynthesis.

Humans require water to remain fresh and healthy since we frequently lose water through breathing, perspiration, and digestion.

Uses of Water

Water has a variety of uses, from helping us with everyday tasks to supporting entire industries. It is a resource that is essential to life.


Domestic Uses of Water

  • Cooking: Water is necessary for cooking since it helps in boiling, steaming, and simmering food.
  • Washing: Water helps in washing clothes, dishes, and food items.
  • Water also helps to wash our hands.
  • Washing with water helps in removing impurities.
Washing clothes
Washing clothes
Washing hands
Washing hands
  • Water is required for taking showers and brushing your teeth.
Bathing and brushing teeth
Bathing and brushing teeth
Bathing and brushing teeth
Bathing and brushing teeth
  • It is used for gardening.
Watering plants
Watering plants
  • Our bodies lose water through breathing, respiration, and digestion.
  • In order to prevent dehydration and other health issues, it is important to refill the body’s water content on a regular basis. To prevent dehydration, 1 to 3 liters of water should be consumed daily.
Drinking water
Drinking water

Agricultural Uses of Water

  • Large amounts of water are needed in agriculture to develop new plants.
  • Water and sunshine are used by plants to make oxygen through photosynthesis.
  • Surface water (rivers, streams, open canals, ponds, reservoirs, and lakes), groundwater from wells, and rainwater are the sources of agricultural water.
  • All standard farming methods, including the production of rice, wheat, sugarcane, and other crops, need water.
Use of water in agriculture
Use of water in agriculture

Commercial Uses of Water

  • Hotels, motels, restaurants, workplaces, and other commercial areas all utilize water.
  • Since water is a universal solvent, it is used in industrial manufacturing to dissolve a variety of substances.
  • The usage of water vapor is widespread in industry.
Uses of water
Uses of water

Medicinal Uses of Water

  • Surgical instruments and supplies are cleaned with water.
  • Water is used in a variety of medical operations, particularly hemodialysis and dental work.
Medicinal uses of water
Medicinal uses of water

Recreational Uses of Water

  • The use of water bodies for swimming, boating, and fishing are examples of recreational water activities.
  • These water bodies are preserved for both beauty and health reasons.
Water sports
Water sports
Uses of Water


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