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Classifying Polygons

Grade 3
Sep 20, 2022

Duration: 60 minutes

               Learning Objectives After this lesson, students will be able to understand, Polygons Sides, vertices, and angles of polygons Quadrilaterals by parallel sides, length of sides, and angles Separation of polygons Combination of polygons  
 Key Vocabulary Polygons Sides, vertices, angles Quadrilaterals Parallel lines  Combine  Separate Rhombus Parallelogram Pentagon Octagon Tangram 
            Engage        Suggested Duration: 10 minutes 
Teaching Objectives Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Tasks 
To elicit the prior understanding of the students regarding the topic. By the end of the session, students will be able to understand   What is a polygon? Different types of polygons What are quadrilaterals? Different types of quadrilaterals Properties of quadrilaterals  Start the session by asking the students about shapes. Show them notebook, bangle, table, chips and ask them to guess their shapes. Respond to the answers given by the students and introduce the concept of polygons to the student. To make the concept clearer, the teacher needs to ask the following questions: What are open figures? What are closed figures?    
Explore        Suggested Duration: _10_ minutes 
Teaching Objectives Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Tasks 
To introduce the topic   By the end, students will be able to Identify polygons Classify the polygon Differentiate and give the properties of the polygon Begin the session by asking the following questions: What is a polygon? What is a convex polygon? What is a concave polygon? 
              Explain        Suggested Duration: _10_ minutes 
Teaching Objectives Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Tasks 
To introduce sides, angles, and vertices of polygons.  By the end, students will be able to understand sides, angles, and vertices.  Show some polygon shapes. Ask the students about the sides, angles, and vertices of that polygon. Ask the students more questions on this topic. 
            Elaborate        Suggested Duration: 10 minutes 
Teaching Objectives Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Tasks 
To introduce the concept of quadrilaterals by parallel sides, length of sides, and angles 
By the end, students should be able to understand quadrilaterals  Ask students the following questions: What is meant by quadrilateral? What are the properties of quadrilaterals? Give some examples of quadrilaterals 
            Evaluate        Suggested Duration: 10 minutes 
Teaching Objectives Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Tasks 
Review and Closing: Understand the polygons Students should be able to understand polygons and quadrilaterals Ask the students where we use polygons, quadrilaterals in daily life and do an activity about polygons and quadrilaterals 
             Summarizing        Suggested Duration: 10 minutes 
Teaching Objectives Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Tasks 
Assessment:  Teacher to summarize the concept of classifying polygons and quadrilaterals 


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