

Both sickle cell anemia and Hunington’s chorea are :

  1. pollutant-induces disorders    
  2. virus-related diseases    
  3. bacteria-related diseases    
  4. congenital disorders    

The correct answer is: congenital disorders

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In figure, stack A B with rightwards arrow on top equals 3 stack i with minus on top minus stack j with minus on top comma stack A C with rightwards arrow on top equals 2 stack i with minus on top plus 3 stack j with minus on top and stack D E with rightwards arrow on top equals 4 stack i with minus on top minus 2 stack j with minus on top then the area of the shaded region in square units is

In figure, stack A B with rightwards arrow on top equals 3 stack i with minus on top minus stack j with minus on top comma stack A C with rightwards arrow on top equals 2 stack i with minus on top plus 3 stack j with minus on top and stack D E with rightwards arrow on top equals 4 stack i with minus on top minus 2 stack j with minus on top then the area of the shaded region in square units is


In the figure, stack D E with bar on top divided by divided by stack B C with bar on top and ar left parenthesis triangle A D E right parenthesis equals a r invisible function application left parenthesis capital delta B E D right parenthesis The value of fraction numerator B D over denominator A B end fraction equals?

In the figure, stack D E with bar on top divided by divided by stack B C with bar on top and ar left parenthesis triangle A D E right parenthesis equals a r invisible function application left parenthesis capital delta B E D right parenthesis The value of fraction numerator B D over denominator A B end fraction equals?


The median AD of the triangle ABC is bisected at E and BE meets AC at F. If AF:AC =1/k then the value k

The median AD of the triangle ABC is bisected at E and BE meets AC at F. If AF:AC =1/k then the value k


In the figure,blank stack A B with bar on top divided by stack C D with bar on top divided by stack E F with bar on top If AB = 6 cm, BE = 4cm, CD = 10cm, then EF + EC = ... Cm.

In the figure,blank stack A B with bar on top divided by stack C D with bar on top divided by stack E F with bar on top If AB = 6 cm, BE = 4cm, CD = 10cm, then EF + EC = ... Cm.


In the figure, angle equals angle A C E D, AB = 9cm, AD = 7cm, CD = 8cm and CE = 10cm Then DE = ?

In the figure, angle equals angle A C E D, AB = 9cm, AD = 7cm, CD = 8cm and CE = 10cm Then DE = ?


In the figure, stack A B with bar on top divided by divided by stack Q R with bar on top blankIf AB = 3cm, PB = 2cm and PR = 6cm then QR = ? cm.

In the figure, stack A B with bar on top divided by divided by stack Q R with bar on top blankIf AB = 3cm, PB = 2cm and PR = 6cm then QR = ? cm.


In the figure, stack A B with bar on top divided by divided by stack C D with bar on top and stack A C with rightwards arrow on top intersection stack B D with bar on top equals 0 blankIf OA = 3x – 1, OB = 2x + 1, OC = 5x – 3, OD = 6x – 5 then AC =....units.

Hence AC=12

In the figure, stack A B with bar on top divided by divided by stack C D with bar on top and stack A C with rightwards arrow on top intersection stack B D with bar on top equals 0 blankIf OA = 3x – 1, OB = 2x + 1, OC = 5x – 3, OD = 6x – 5 then AC =....units.


Hence AC=12


Two line segments stack A B with bar on top and stack C D with bar on top intersect at E such that triangle A C E tilde operator triangle B D E timesIf AE = 4cm, BE = 3cm, CE=6cm and DE = x cm then x = ?

Hence x=2

Two line segments stack A B with bar on top and stack C D with bar on top intersect at E such that triangle A C E tilde operator triangle B D E timesIf AE = 4cm, BE = 3cm, CE=6cm and DE = x cm then x = ?


Hence x=2


In the figure, AB = BC = CD = DE = EF and AF = AE Then angle A = ?

In the figure, AB = BC = CD = DE = EF and AF = AE Then angle A = ?


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Hence BC=CD

In the figure, AB = AC, angle A equals 48 to the power of ring operator end exponent and angle A C D equals 18 to the power of ring operator end exponent Then


Hence BC=CD


In the figure, ‘x° ’ and ‘y° ’ are two exterior angle measures of DABC Then x° + y° =

Hence x+y>180o

In the figure, ‘x° ’ and ‘y° ’ are two exterior angle measures of DABC Then x° + y° =


Hence x+y>180o


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In triangle A B C comma text  if  end text angle A plus angle B equals 84 to the power of ring operator end exponent comma angle B plus angle C equals 146 to the power of ring operator end exponent then angle B equals


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