

A diplontic life cycle is observed in:

  1. Chlamydomonas

  2. Bryophytes

  3. Algae

  4. All of the above


An informal term for a large and diverse group of photosynthetic eukaryotes.

The correct answer is:


    • The diploid life cycle is exhibited by some algae and all phanerogams, or seed-bearing plants.
    • Brown alga Fucus has a diploid life cycle. The body of the plant is a diploid thallus. The haploid stage is represented by oogonia and pistils formed by meiosis of the germ cells present in the fertilized egg.
    • Oogonia and Antheridia produce eggs and sperm, respectively, which fuse to form diploid zygotes. The fertilized egg (2n) undergoes mitosis into the thallus.
    • Other algae that exhibit a diploid life cycle are the green algae Cladophora and Acetabularia, diatoms, and others.
    • All seed-bearing plants, namely gymnosperms and angiosperms, exhibit a diploid life cycle.

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    I. Skin color
    II. Blood group
    III. Presence of a dimple
    IV. Height

    • Traits under discontinuous variation have limited range 
    • Traits under continuous variation have unlimited range 
    • Discontinuous variation is due to the influence of genes alone
    • Continuous variation is due to the combined effects of genes and environment

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    I. Skin color
    II. Blood group
    III. Presence of a dimple
    IV. Height


    • Traits under discontinuous variation have limited range 
    • Traits under continuous variation have unlimited range 
    • Discontinuous variation is due to the influence of genes alone
    • Continuous variation is due to the combined effects of genes and environment


    What is this definition: 'Differences between organisms caused by environmental factors.'

    • Variation is the difference between individuals of same population
    • Variation can be caused due to genes or due to environmental factors

    What is this definition: 'Differences between organisms caused by environmental factors.'


    • Variation is the difference between individuals of same population
    • Variation can be caused due to genes or due to environmental factors


    What is this definition: 'A group of organisms that can reproduce with each other to produce offspring that will also be able to reproduce'?

    • Carl Linnaeus is the father of modern taxonomy
    • Binomial nomenclature is used to describe the name of the species
    • Binomial nomenclature has 2 parts: genus and species (in italics)
    • Species is the last and principal part of the taxonomical hierarchy
    • Species are group of organisms with similar traits capable of interbreeding and producing future generations

    What is this definition: 'A group of organisms that can reproduce with each other to produce offspring that will also be able to reproduce'?


    • Carl Linnaeus is the father of modern taxonomy
    • Binomial nomenclature is used to describe the name of the species
    • Binomial nomenclature has 2 parts: genus and species (in italics)
    • Species is the last and principal part of the taxonomical hierarchy
    • Species are group of organisms with similar traits capable of interbreeding and producing future generations


    What is this definition: 'Differences between organisms caused by differences in the DNA they inherit from their parents'?

    • Even identical twins have difference in genetic makeup. This is due to genetic variation.
    • Variation causes difference in traits such as height, eye color, skin color and many more
    • Variation can be continuous or discontinuous
    • Variation is due to genes or due to combined influence of genes and environment

    What is this definition: 'Differences between organisms caused by differences in the DNA they inherit from their parents'?


    • Even identical twins have difference in genetic makeup. This is due to genetic variation.
    • Variation causes difference in traits such as height, eye color, skin color and many more
    • Variation can be continuous or discontinuous
    • Variation is due to genes or due to combined influence of genes and environment


    What can cause variation?

    • No two individuals of same population is identical. This is due to variation.
    • Variation causes difference in phenotypes such as height, weight, blood group and many more
    • Variation can be continuous or discontinuous
    • Variation is due to genes or due to combined influence of genes and environment

    What can cause variation?


    • No two individuals of same population is identical. This is due to variation.
    • Variation causes difference in phenotypes such as height, weight, blood group and many more
    • Variation can be continuous or discontinuous
    • Variation is due to genes or due to combined influence of genes and environment


    What does variation mean?

    • No two individuals of same population is identical. This is due to variation.
    • Variation causes difference in traits such as height, eye color, skin color and many more
    • Variation can be continuous or discontinuous
    • Variation is due to genes or due to combined influence of genes and environment

    What does variation mean?


    • No two individuals of same population is identical. This is due to variation.
    • Variation causes difference in traits such as height, eye color, skin color and many more
    • Variation can be continuous or discontinuous
    • Variation is due to genes or due to combined influence of genes and environment


    Which of the following would increase the number of different alleles in a population?

    Which of the following would increase the number of different alleles in a population?


    Variation in a trait may be due to the change in genetic material. What do you call this type of change?

    • DNA is the genetic material for all organisms
    • DNA is made of sequence of nucleic acids
    • Gene is the unit of heredity and codes for particular trait
    • Change in sequence of nucleic acid is called mutation
    • Not all mutations are harmful

    Variation in a trait may be due to the change in genetic material. What do you call this type of change?


    • DNA is the genetic material for all organisms
    • DNA is made of sequence of nucleic acids
    • Gene is the unit of heredity and codes for particular trait
    • Change in sequence of nucleic acid is called mutation
    • Not all mutations are harmful


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