

The sum of digits in ones & hundredths place in the decimal number 173.874 is

  1. 11
  2. 12
  3. 10
  4. 9


Ones place is just first number on left of decimal and hundredth place is 2nd number on right of decimal.
Add the numbers present at both the positions and it is your answer.

The correct answer is: 10

Solution :
Step 1 :
number at ones place is 3
Step 2 :
number at hundredths place is 7
Step 3 :
sum of numbers is = 3 + 7 = 10
So, 10 will be our answer to this question.

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If you count carefully there are total of 10 boxes and out of 10, 4 are colored so 4 over 10 will be the right answer.
So, we can say that it is 4 out of 10 or 4 over 10 colored.



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So, we can say that it is 4 out of 10 or 4 over 10 colored.


The play station 1 was released in 1994, play station 2 was released in 2000, play station 3 was released in 2006. Fans observed some pattern and expected the release year long time before company announces. For the shock to the fans play station 4 was released in 2013. The year fans were expecting the play station 4 is

Solution :
Play station 1 in 1994
Play station 2 in 2000
Play station 3 in 2006
If you carefully observe there is a difference of 6 years between every release so, as per prediction 4th station will release after 6 years from 3rd production that is 2012 .

The play station 1 was released in 1994, play station 2 was released in 2000, play station 3 was released in 2006. Fans observed some pattern and expected the release year long time before company announces. For the shock to the fans play station 4 was released in 2013. The year fans were expecting the play station 4 is


Solution :
Play station 1 in 1994
Play station 2 in 2000
Play station 3 in 2006
If you carefully observe there is a difference of 6 years between every release so, as per prediction 4th station will release after 6 years from 3rd production that is 2012 .


The world record for long jump is 8.95 mts by Mike Powell, record for long jump in Europeans is 8.86 mts by Robert Emmiyan, and the record in Olympic is 8.90 mts by Bob Beamon. Among all the one who holds the longest jump is

Step 1 : Compare first two
8.95 by Mike Powell and 8.86 by Robert
8 and 8 first digits of both the numbers are same.
9 and 8, so Mike Powell.
Step 2 : compare result of previous with current left,
8.95 by Mike Powell and 8.90 by Bob
8 and 8 first digits are same.
9 and 9, second digits are same.
5 and 0, so Mike Powell.
So, Mike Powell holds the record with a jump of 8.95 mts.

The world record for long jump is 8.95 mts by Mike Powell, record for long jump in Europeans is 8.86 mts by Robert Emmiyan, and the record in Olympic is 8.90 mts by Bob Beamon. Among all the one who holds the longest jump is


Step 1 : Compare first two
8.95 by Mike Powell and 8.86 by Robert
8 and 8 first digits of both the numbers are same.
9 and 8, so Mike Powell.
Step 2 : compare result of previous with current left,
8.95 by Mike Powell and 8.90 by Bob
8 and 8 first digits are same.
9 and 9, second digits are same.
5 and 0, so Mike Powell.
So, Mike Powell holds the record with a jump of 8.95 mts.


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7 Tens 3 Ones 52 Hundredths in decimal form is written as


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Write it in fraction form


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