

An animal shelter categorizes donors based on their total yearly donation, as shown in the table.

Keenan donates the same amount each month. Write and solve a compound inequality for the monthly donation that will put him in the gold category.


If two real numbers or algebraic expressions are related by the symbols “>”, “<”, “≥”, “≤”, then the relation is called an inequality. For example, x>5 (x should be greater than 5).
A compound inequality is a sentence with two inequality statements joined either by the word “or” or by the word “and.” “And” indicates that both statements of the compound sentence are true at the same time. “Or” indicates that, as long as either statement is true, the entire compound sentence is true.
If the symbol is (≥ or ≤) then you fill in the dot and if the symbol is (> or <) then you do not fill in the dot.

The correct answer is: Hence, Keenan should donate $41.67 to $83.33 monthly to put him in the gold category but not $83.33

    To become a gold category donor member, one must donate between $500 to  $1000 in one year
    A year consists of 12 months. Let’s say that the donation made by Keenan in one month is x
    So, $500 ≤ 12x < $1000
    Solving the inequality

    500 ≤ 12x < 1000
    Dividing 12 on all sides

    41.67 ≤ x < 83.33
    Final Answer:
    Hence, Keenan should donate $41.67 to $83.33 monthly to put him in the gold category but not $83.33

    A compound inequality is a solution that involves or includes the solutions to one inequality and the solutions to the other inequality, x<a or x>b. The compound inequality solution includes only solutions to both inequalities where they coincide. x<a and x>b=>a<x<b. It comprises two inequalities linked together by the words "and" or "or." Compound inequalities are inequalities that have two or more parts. These parts can be either "or" or "and."
    For example, if an inequality states that "x is greater than '5' but less than 10," then x could be any number between 5 and 10. To solve a compound inequality, you must find all the variable values that make the compound inequality true. We solve each inequality individually and then compare the two solutions.

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    Follow the same steps as when solving equations to solve compound inequalities. However, because compound inequalities are composed of two inequalities, separate them and solve each inequity separately. Once the inequalities are separated, isolate the variable using the inverse operation, similar to how equations are solved.
    For example, to solve the compound inequality 14 > 2x > 4, do the following:
    14 > 2x > 4
    The two inequalities are separated by 14 > 2x and 2x > 4.
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    Follow the same steps as when solving equations to solve compound inequalities. However, because compound inequalities are composed of two inequalities, separate them and solve each inequity separately. Once the inequalities are separated, isolate the variable using the inverse operation, similar to how equations are solved.
    For example, to solve the compound inequality 14 > 2x > 4, do the following:
    14 > 2x > 4
    The two inequalities are separated by 14 > 2x and 2x > 4.
    To isolate the variable, divide both sides by 2: 14/2 > 2x/2 and 2x/2 > 4/2.
    7 > x and x > 2 are now two sets of solutions.
    7 > x > 2, the possible answers range from 2 to 7.


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    The compound inequality statement for the weight of inspected cartons is 630 > X > 690. Here, It can also explain like this:
    ¶Empty carton weight = 20 oz.
    Acceptable weight range per bag of peanuts:
    The lower limit is 30.5 oz.
    Maximum weight = 33.5 oz
    20 bags = 20 peanut bags per carton
    The following is the lower limit for carton weight after filling:
    630 oz = weight of empty carton + (20 * weight per bag) 20 + (20 * 30.5)
    The maximum weight of a carton after it has been filled will be:
    Empty carton weight + (20 * weight per bag) 20 + (20 * 33.5) = 690 oz
    As a result, the compound inequality for the inspected cartons is: 630 > X > 690.

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    The compound inequality statement for the weight of inspected cartons is 630 > X > 690. Here, It can also explain like this:
    ¶Empty carton weight = 20 oz.
    Acceptable weight range per bag of peanuts:
    The lower limit is 30.5 oz.
    Maximum weight = 33.5 oz
    20 bags = 20 peanut bags per carton
    The following is the lower limit for carton weight after filling:
    630 oz = weight of empty carton + (20 * weight per bag) 20 + (20 * 30.5)
    The maximum weight of a carton after it has been filled will be:
    Empty carton weight + (20 * weight per bag) 20 + (20 * 33.5) = 690 oz
    As a result, the compound inequality for the inspected cartons is: 630 > X > 690.


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    Inequalities define the relationship between two non-equal values. Inequality means not being equal. In mathematics, there are five inequality symbols: greater than symbol (>), less than symbol (<), greater than or equal to a sign (≥), less than or equal to a symbol (≤), and not equivalent to a symbol (≠). Many can solve simple inequalities in math by multiplying, dividing, adding, or subtracting both sides until left with the variable.
    The compound inequality in this question is solved with the following instructions:
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    Inequalities define the relationship between two non-equal values. Inequality means not being equal. In mathematics, there are five inequality symbols: greater than symbol (>), less than symbol (<), greater than or equal to a sign (≥), less than or equal to a symbol (≤), and not equivalent to a symbol (≠). Many can solve simple inequalities in math by multiplying, dividing, adding, or subtracting both sides until left with the variable.
    The compound inequality in this question is solved with the following instructions:
    • Let us suppose Fatima purchased 'n' pens.
    • Calculating the total money spent on the pens.
    • Then solve the inequality by subtraction and division on all sides.
    • As a result, you get the answer to how much Fatima spends on pencils while staying within her price range.


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