

Consider the solutions of the compound inequalities.
4 < x < 8     2 < x < 11
Describe each solution as a set. Is one set a subset of the other? Explain your answer.


If two real numbers or algebraic expressions are related by the symbols “>”, “<”, “≥”, “≤”, then the relation is called an inequality. For example, x>5 (x should be greater than 5).
A compound inequality is a sentence with two inequality statements joined either by the word “or” or by the word “and.” “And” indicates that both statements of the compound sentence are true at the same time. “Or” indicates that, as long as either statement is true, the entire compound sentence is true.
If the symbol is (≥ or ≤) then you fill in the dot and if the symbol is (> or <) then you do not fill in the dot.

The correct answer is: the set form of 4 < x < 8 is x ϵ (4,8) and the set form of 2 < x < 11 is x ϵ (2,12) and 4 < x < 8 is subset of 2 < x < 11.

    The set form of 4 < x < 8 is x  (4,8) and the set form of 2 < x < 11 is x ϵ (2,12).
    The graph of both the inequalities can be plotted as

    So, we can see from the graph that 4 < x < 8 is subset of 2 < x < 11.
    Final Answer:
    Hence, the set form of 4 < x < 8 is x  (4,8) and the set form of 2 < x < 11 is x  (2,12) and 4 < x < 8 is subset of 2 < x < 11.

    A compound inequality is a sentence that contains two inequality statements separated by the words "or" or "and." The term "and" indicates that both of the compound sentence's statements are true simultaneously. The intersection of the solutions of two inequalities joined by the word and the solution of a compound inequality. All of the solutions having the two inequalities in common are the solutions to a compound inequality, where the two graphs overlap, as we saw in the previous sections.
    ¶The graph of a compound inequality with a "and" denotes the intersection of the inequalities' graphs. If a number solves both inequalities, it solves the compound inequality. It can be written as x > -1 and x < 2 or as -1 < x < 2.
    ¶Graph the compound inequality x > 1 AND x ≤ 4.

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