There are 240 seniors in Kathryn’s school. Her class is planning a trip and is taking buses that hold a maximum of 50 passengers. Assume that the trip is optional.
Write a step function f that maps the number of students x, to the number of buses needed, f(x).
- f(x) = 50 ceiling (x) , 0 < x ≤ 50
- f(x) = ceiling () , 0 < x ≤ 50
- f(x) = floor () , 0 < x < 50
- f(x) = 50 floor () , 0 < x ≤ 50
The ceiling function returns the smallest nearest integer which is greater than or equal to the specified number whereas the floor function returns the largest nearest integer which is less than or equal to a specified value.
The correct answer is: f(x) = ceiling () , 0 < x ≤ 50
The function is:
f(x) = ceiling(), 0 < x ≤ 50
x = no of seniors, f(x) = No of buses needed.
If x = 240, f(x) = ceiling() = ceiling(4.8) = 5
In case of 240 passengers, 5 buses are needed.
Hence, the correct option is A.
The ceiling function is also known as the smallest integer function. The floor function is also known as the greatest integer function.