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Ecosystem – Number of Organisms in an Ecosystem

Grade 7
Jun 7, 2023


An ecosystem is a geographical area where plants, animals, and other species interact with weather and topography to create a living bubble. Living and non-living elements, or biotic and abiotic elements, coexist in ecosystems. Examples of biotic factors include plants, animals, and other species. Examples of abiotic factors include rocks, temperature, and humidity.

Every aspect of an ecosystem, whether directly or indirectly, is reliant on the other. For example, a change in the temperature of an area might affect the plants that grow there. Animals that rely on plants for food and shelter will have to adapt or relocate to a new environment.

Number of Organisms in an Ecosystem

Scientists believe that there are between five and fifty million different species of creatures on the planet, with only around two million of them have been formally identified (May 1988). Microbes that dwell in practically every nook of the Earth, tiny worms that help construct soils and insects that spend their whole lives in treetops are just a few examples of microscopic creatures. Larger, more visible species that have attracted human attention throughout history live with these little inhabitants: multicellular plants, fungi, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fellow mammals. These species, as well as many others, are consumers who rely on energetic biochemical substances produced by photosynthesizing producer species or inorganic chemical processes by chemosynthetic species for their survival.

The number of species that may live in an ecosystem is determined by the resources available as well as abiotic variables such as light and water availability, temperature range, and soil type. Populations (including humans) grow rapidly if there are sufficient biotic and abiotic resources and no sickness or predators. The increase of populations in certain niches in the ecosystem is limited by a lack of resources and other variables such as predation and temperature. Organisms with comparable demands may compete for resources such as food, space, water, air, and shelter in all ecosystems, including freshwater, marine, forest, desert, grassland, mountain, and others.

An organism is a single or individual living species that shows all of the characteristics of life. A plant, animal, bird, insect, or even a microorganism can be one of these. On our planet Earth, there are billions to trillions of different sorts of species.  All of these creatures are divided into categories based on a variety of characteristics. Every organism differs from the others in some way.


Among the various types of life are producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, scavengers, parasites, predators, and decomposers.

  • Producers – Producers are organisms that make their own nourishment from basic ingredients. Producers include all green plants and algae that make their food through the biological process of photosynthesis.
  • Consumers – Consumers are organisms that rely entirely on plants or other animals for their sustenance. All carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores are consumers.
  • Herbivores – Herbivores are organisms that solely eat grass, herbs, leaves, fruits, and other plant components. Elephants, deer, giraffes, monkeys, and rhinoceros are examples of herbivores.
  • Carnivores – Organisms that eat the flesh of other creatures are known as carnivores.
  • Scavengers– A scavenger is a creature that feeds on dead and decaying material. They serve a crucial part in our ecology by digesting dead animals and plant matter, which helps to keep the environment clean. Scavengers include vultures, raccoons, crows, and foxes.
  • Parasites – Parasites are organisms that are fully reliant on their hosts for existence. These creatures live inside or on a person’s body, obtaining sustenance and causing damage to the host cells. Parasites include tapeworms and fleas.
  • Predators– Predators are organisms that hunt and kill their prey to feed themselves. Predators may be found in many forms of nature. Lions hunt deer and zebra, foxes hunt rabbits, and so forth.

Producers (Autotrophs)

Species that make food for themselves and other organisms are known as producers. To synthesize organic chemicals, they require energy and simple inorganic molecules. Because all species require organic molecules, the stability of producers is critical to ecosystems. Autotrophs are another term for producers. Photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs are the two forms of autotrophs.

  1. Photoautotrophs use sunshine to produce food through photosynthesis. Plants, algae, and some microorganisms are among them.
  2. Chemoautotrophs create food using chemosynthesis, which uses energy from chemical molecules.

Some bacteria and archaea are among them. Microorganisms that resemble bacteria are known as archaea.

Consumers (Heterotrophs)

Consumers are species that get their sustenance from other organisms. They ingest organic compounds by “eating” other living organisms. All animals and fungi are included. (Fungi don’t actually “eat” but rather absorb nutrients from other living things.) Many microbes and even a few plants, such as the pitcher plant, are among them. Heterotrophs are another term for consumers.

  • an organism that obtains energy by consuming other organisms

Heterotrophs are categorized according to the food they consume:

  • Herbivores eat producers like plants and algae. They serve as a vital link between manufacturers and other customers. Deer, rabbits, and mice are just a few examples.
  • Carnivores eat other animals. Lions, polar bears, hawks, frogs, salmon, and spiders are just a few examples. Obligate carnivores are carnivores that are unable to digest vegetation and must consume animals exclusively.


Consumers are living things that get their energy from other living things. Animals are all consumers, which means they devour other living things. Consumers include fungi, as well as a variety of protists and bacteria. Fungi, protists, and bacteria, on the other hand, are classified as decomposers because they “devour” creatures in various ways.

When creatures die, their leftovers include energy and matter. Decomposers decompose residues and other wastes, releasing simple inorganic molecules into the environment.

The molecules can then be used to create new organic compounds by the manufacturers. Every ecosystem relies on the stability of decomposers to function.

Number of Organisms in Ecosystem


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