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Explanation of Solar System with Scaled Models

Class 7
Jun 10, 2023

Solar System with Scaled Models


The solar system models, which are studied using simple photographs, are likely to fail to account for the variations in planet sizes and their separations from the Sun and one another.

A scale model uses the same measuring ratios as the original object. We will discuss two scale models of the solar system in this session to study:

  • Distances between the planets
  • Size of the planets


In the first model, the separations between the planets and the Sun will be compared.


In the second model, the size of the planets will be compared.

Both models will probably not be displayed, but we will discover a lot about the actual limits of space. We want our model to represent the relative sizes and distances between the planets accurately.


  • Meter stick
  • Large outside area, measuring at least 33 meters
  • Papers, Pencil
  • Big and tiny glass bowls
  • Scissors
  • Black color sketch pen
  • Camera to capture your model’s image permanently

We can conduct this experiment on a day with less wind.

Scale Model of Distances from the Sun:

The Earth and the Sun are approximately 150 million km (93 million miles) away; this distance is described by the Astronomical Unit (A.U.). The distance between the Earth and the Sun is one astronomical unit. In comparison to the distance from the Sun, planets other than the Earth have an estimated distance of more or less than one A.U.

distance from the Sun, planets and earth


planet, Distance AU

Distance of planets from the Sun


  1. Using the bowl as a reference, trace 9 circles. You can make every planet the same size because this distance-scale model considers only the distances between the planets.
  2. Write the names of the planets and the Sun in the circles: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  3. Cut out the circles.
  4. Take the Sun’s position.
  5. Present a cutout planet to every one of your friends.
  6. Ask your mates to stand in the following relation to you. (It must be noted that specific measures are in centimeters rather than meters, and a centimeter is one-hundredth hundredth of a meter.


  • When you construct the scaled model of solar system distances, you’ll notice that some planets are much closer together than others. Jupiter and Saturn will appear to be enormous compared to the other planets when you compare their sizes.
  • Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the solar system’s core planets and are all relatively close to the Sun and one another. In contrast, the outer planets are all relatively far from the Sun. The solar system’s constituent materials are not all distributed equally.

Scale Model of Planetary Relative Diameter:

A planet’s diameter can be used to determine its size. A circle or sphere’s diameter is the length of a straight line that goes through its center and has its endpoints on its surface.

Diameter of planets

The diameter of the Earth must be compared to those of the other planets. Keep in mind that a circle’s diameter equals the length of a straight line through its center. 12,750 km is the diameter of the Earth.

To get a relative comparison, we can divide the Earth’s diameter by the planet’s diameters of all the planets. Since the Sun is nearly a million times larger than Earth and has a diameter of 1,393,000 km, it would be impossible to display it on a piece of paper for this activity.

planet km


  1. Draw a line for the diameter using the ruler.
  2. First, it is essential to draw the relative diameters of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  3. Create circles around the diameters using the compass.
  4. Insert Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in the area surrounding the larger planets you designed.
  5. Label the planets so you won’t mistake one for another when you cut them out.
  6. Cut down your planets.


We will see that the planets are too small to trace and cut out using your home tools.

Diameter in Km

This table shows you that space is mostly empty, and even giant planets make up a tiny part of our solar system.

Solar System with Scaled Models


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