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Uniform Circular Motion with Examples

Grade 10
Aug 29, 2022

Key Concepts

  • Uniform circular motion
  • Timeperiod


In this session you are going to read about uniform circular motion and relate radius of the circle formed during circular motion, speed of the object and the time period. 


Uniform Circular Motion 

It is the motion of an object traveling at a uniform speed on a circular path.  

  1. It can be uniform with constant speed. 
  1. It can be non-uniform with the change in rate of rotation. 

In a uniform circular motion, the speed or the magnitude of the velocity is constant. 

Direction of the velocity vector is not constant. Since there is a change in direction, there is acceleration. 

Uniform circular motion

Time period 

Time period in a uniform circular motion is the time required to travel once around the circle, that is to make one complete revolution. 


T =


Where, r is the radius of the circle formed, 

v is the velocity of the moving object, and 

T is the time period of one revolution. 


Examples of uniform circular motion: 

  1. Motion of artificial satellites around the earth.
Motion of artificial satellites around the earth 

2. Motion of electrons around the nucleus in an atom. 

An atom

3. Motion of blades of a windmill.  


d. Motion of the second, minute and hour hand in a watch or a clock. 

 A clock

Questions and answers 

Question 1: List a few examples of uniform circular motion from your daily life. 


A few examples of uniform circular motion from daily life are: 

  • Satellites orbiting around the earth. 
  • Revolution of earth around the sun. 
  • Driving a car on a circular path. 
  • Giant wheels in an amusement park. 

Question 2: What is the time period of motion of a boy in a merry-go-round if the radius of the merry-go-round is 20 m and the speed of the boy around the merry-go-round is 40 m/s.  


Radius of merry – go – round = 20m 

Speed of boy = 40 m/s 

According to formula, T =


= 2 × 3.14 ×


= 3.14 s 

Question 3: The wheel of a car has a radius of 0.34 m and is being rotated at 900 revolutions per minute (rpm) on a tire balancing machine. Determine the speed in standard units at which the outer wheel of the car is moving. 



900 revolution in 1 minute 

So 1 revolution in


min =

19001900 × 60 

= 0.07 s 

∴ ∴ 

Time period = 0.07 s 

Radius = 0.34 m 

According to formula, T =


2 × 3.14 × 0.340.072 × 3.14 × 0.340.07

= 30.5 m/s  


  • Uniform circular motion is the motion of an object traveling at a uniform speed on a circular path.
  • There is acceleration in uniform circular motion.
  • Time period in a uniform circular motion is the time required to travel once around the circle, that is to make one complete revolution.


  • A few of the applications where this is used is:

1. Satellites orbiting around earth.

2. Revolution of earth around sun.

3. Driving a car in a circular path.

4. Giant wheels in an amusement park.


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