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Animals Life Cycle – Classification of Animals

Grade 2
Jun 15, 2023

Animal Life Cycle


When you are hungry, you probably think about the foods you like to eat. Maybe you feel like eating fruit, so you might take a bite of an apple or peel an orange.

Kid eating an apple
Kid eating an apple

You may prefer to eat meat, like a piece of chicken, or maybe you have a taste for something sweet like a cookie. No matter what you decide, all your choices are types of food, whether they are in the fruit group, meat group, sweets group, or another group.

Kid eating chicken
Kid eating chicken

Just as we put foods into different groups, scientists have also made a way to group or classify animals so that they are easier to study and talk about.

Food group

Animal classification is basically just putting animals into different groups depending on how they are alike.

Animal group

Let us discuss this in detail.


Animals can be grouped by their body parts. They can also be grouped by how they live.

Classification of animals

1. Mammals

Mammals are animals that have fur or hair.

Young mammals get nourishment from milk produced by their mothers.


Almost all mammals give birth to babies.

All mammals use their lungs for breathing.

Some Examples of Mammals are Given Below.


2. Birds

A bird has feathers and wings.

Feathers keep a bird warm and dry.

Feathers help a bird fly.

A bird has two legs and a beak.

Baby birds come out of eggs.

Some birds cannot fly, for example- ostrich, penguin, etc.


Some examples of birds are given below.

two legs and a beak
examples of birds
Baby birds come out of eggs.

3. Reptiles

Their body is covered with dry scales.

All reptiles use their lungs to breathe.

Most reptiles have four legs.

Reptiles get heat from the sun and other warm things.

Most reptiles lay eggs.


Some Examples of Reptiles are Given Below.

Examples of Reptiles

4. Amphibians

Amphibians are animals that live part of their life in water and part on land.

They have wet skin.

Most amphibians lay eggs in water.


Some Examples of Amphibians are Given Below.

Examples of Amphibians

5. Fish

Fish live in the water.

Most, but not all, fish have bodies covered in scales and breathe through gills.

Fish have fins.


Some Examples of Fish are Given Below.

Examples of Fish
Examples of Fish

Did you know?

Can You Tell Which Animal Group We Belong To?

group of mammals

We belong to the group of mammals.

Classification of Animals


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