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Feeling Words and the Expression of Emotions

Grade 3
Aug 2, 2023

Introduction to Feeling Words

What are feeling words?

When it’s time to eat, how do you feel? Happy, excited, or bored?

Do you feel sad when you’ve lost your favorite toy?

In today’s lesson, we will learn about these feeling words and how to use them.

What do feeling words mean?

  • I am eager to play when it’s time to go to a soccer game.
  • When it’s cancelled due to rain, I am so disappointed.
  • When I’m tired, it helps me to hold a stuffed animal.

We see eager, disappointed, and tired words when we read these sentences. Everyone will eventually experience all these emotions someday.


Feeling words describe how a person feels at a given time. There are many different words with different meanings to express emotions or feelings.

Let’s look at some of them.

Identify the Emotions for the Following Images

See the picture and describe the image’s feelings.

Answer: Happy

Answer: Sad


Answer: Angry


Answer: Fear


Answer: Surprise


Answer: Liking/Loving

Essential Words of Emotion!

  • To be happy means to be satisfied.
  • Mad means to be angry about something.
  • Sad means sadness or misfortune.
  • We often use words like happy, crazy, sad, etc., in our emotional state.
  • We can be happy when we receive an award!
  • We can get angry when it’s time to turn off the TV. Or maybe you’re sad when it’s too wet to play outside.
  • These words are great for describing our feelings, but sometimes we need other words to help us express ourselves.

Another Emotive Language Is Expressive Words!

  • Fear refers to feeling anxious, restless, or unstable.
  • Anger is feeling or showing anger. 
  • Cranky means grumbling, angry, or complaining. 
  • Disappointment is when things don’t go how you want them to.
  • Exciting means being satisfied with good things. – Glad means happy about something. 
  • Impatience means restlessness and the inability to wait long.
  • Being jealous means you are unhappy because someone has what you want. 
  • Love means to love or enjoy something very much. 
  • Anxiety is thinking about terrible things that could happen.

Now let’s read a passage and pick up the feeling words from it.

Once upon a time, there lived a small family in which David was the younger brother of Nancy. She used to love her brother very much. David had a fear of going to school, and Nancy used to help him out in getting his work done. One day, while coming from school, David observed something behind the tree. A tiny puppy was suffering from some injuries. David picked up that puppy, took it home with him, and gave it some first aid with some biscuits.

Meanwhile, when his mother came home from work, tired, at first, she didn’t notice the puppy, but later on, because of a “woof” sound from the puppy, she recognized that there was a puppy beside her sofa. She picked up that puppy and threw it outside the house with anger. When David changed his dress he came back, and searched for it; he asked her mom whether she noticed it. His mother seriously warned him that there was no entry into their house for puppies. With grief, he sat beside the sofa and cried; meanwhile, Nancy came home from school. She saw her brother crying and asked him what he was sad about and what had happened. Through David’s words, she understood that his mom didn’t agree to keep the puppy at home, and she requested her mother about the puppy and brought it back home. With this, David felt very happy.


  1. Love
  2. Fear
  3. Suffering
  4. Tired
  5. Recognize
  6. Anger
  7. Seriously
  8. Grief
  9. Cries/ sad
  10. Happy.

Now Let’s learn simple feeling words.

How do we utilize these words?

Why can you be angry?

How do you know if someone is angry?

People can become upset for many reasons, such as doing poorly on a spelling test, losing a favorite jacket, or a friend not playing with them. Sometimes, people make loud noises when they are angry, and their faces occasionally turn crimson.

How Do Feelings Work?

The word feelings has existed for an incredibly long time. The word was legally added to the dictionary with the definition we still use today in the 1830s, albeit we only discovered them then. The meaning of sentiments had previously been rather varied.

There are two distinct definitions for “feelings”:

  1. Physical
  2. Emotional


You can feel a physical feeling, something you can handle, like the warmth you get from lying in the summer heat or the comfort of a blanket in the chilly winter.

An emotional feeling is something you experience internally. This could be a variety of emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, or contempt.

The list of emotions that a typical person currently comprehends might include happy, mad, sad, and terrified, but as we mature, the list grows, and we acquire a more sophisticated language to describe how we feel.

Let’s Now Review Some Emotional Categories

1. Anger

Anger may be a powerful feeling that everyone experiences occasionally, and anger also comes in various intensities or degrees, like other emotions.

  • Disgust: Contempt, disgust, hatred
  • Envy: Envy, jealousy
  • Exasperation: Exasperation, frustration
  • Irritation: Aggravation, agitation, annoyance, grouchiness, grumpiness, irritation
  • Rage: Anger, bitterness, dislike, ferocity, fury, hate, hostility, loathing, outrage, irritation, resentment, scorn, spite, vengefulness, wrath
  • Torment: Torment

2. Fear

The feeling you get when something dangerous, painful, or frightening is about to happen.

  • Horror: Alarm, fear, fright, horror, hysteria, mortification, panic, shock, terror
  • Nervousness: Anxiety, apprehension, distress, dread, fear, tenseness, uneasiness, worry

3. Joy

Because it resonates with our fundamental identity, joy is the emotion that gives life meaning in the here and now. It is linked to sentiments of comfort, awe, and significance.

  • Cheerfulness: Amusement, bliss, cheerfulness, delight, ecstasy, joy, enjoyment, euphoria, gladness, glee, happiness, jolliness, joyfulness, jubilation, satisfaction
  • Contentment: Contentment, pleasure
  • Enthrallment: Enthrallment, rapture
  • Optimism: Eagerness, hope, optimism
  • Pride: Pride, triumph
  • Relief: Relief
  • Zest: Enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration, thrill, zeal, zest

4. Love

Love is a complex emotion that frequently combines two primary feelings. Love is an emotion, but you must determine how it manifests. Therefore, trust may come from love.

  • Affection: Adoration, respect, attraction, caring, compassion, fondness, liking, love, sentimentality, tenderness
  • Longing: Longing
  • Lust: Arousal, desire, infatuation, lust, passion.

5. Sadness

Another form of emotion called sadness is frequently described as a passing emotional state characterized by feelings including disappointment, grief, hopelessness, boredom, and a depressed mood. People occasionally experience sadness, much like other emotions.

  • Disappointment: Disappointment, dismay, displeasure.
  • Neglect: Alienation, defeat, sadness, embarrassment, homesickness, humiliation, insecurity, isolation, insult, loneliness, neglect, rejection
  • Sadness: Depression, despair, gloom, glumness, grief, hopelessness, melancholy, misery, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, woe
  • Shame: Guilt, regret, remorse, shame
  • Suffering: Agony, anguish, hurt, suffering
  • Sympathy: Pity, sympathy

6. Surprise

When we experience sudden and unexpected sounds or movements, we experience surprise; its purpose is to direct our attention in determining what is happening and whether it is harmful. It is the shortest of all universal emotions.

  • Surprise: Amazement, astonishment, wonder.

To express various emotions, utilize these terms, which are clear as a general guideline.

Read the feeling words of the following.

Feeling Words
Feeling Words


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