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Optative Sentence – Meaning, Structure & Examples

Grade 10
May 8, 2023

Optative Sentence

The optative sentence expresses the wishes or prayers, desires, etc. In other words, optative sentences are those that express our wishes and desires that deal with our mood.

Note: The wishes and desires can be negative or positive.

The expressions of what one desires or looks forward can be called any of the following.

  • A wish
  • A prayer
  • A curse
  • A desire

An exclamation mark (!) or sometimes a full stop (.) is used to indicate the end of the optative sentence.


  1. May God bless her with a child. (Prayer)
  2. I Wish I were an astronaut! (Wish)
  3. May he lead a joyous life! (Blessing)
  4. I wish I had been more cautious! (Wish)

Structure of Optative Sentences

  • May/+N/P+V-1+ phrase or expressions

Example: May God bless you.

  • Long+V-1+N/P+ phrases or expressions

Example: Long live the princess!

  • Wish+N/P+ phrase or expressions

Wish you a happy, peaceful life!

Other Structure:

This type of sentence follows a different pattern from the above rules. As a result, you need to identify what sense the sentence makes and decide if it can be an optative sentence or not.

Examples of other structures:

  1. All the best for all your future endeavors.
  2. Wish you a safe and healthy life!
  3. Have a nice day!

Optative – Direct to Indirect Speech

The optative structure for changing direct to indirect speech is as follows:

  1. The reporting verb in the direct speech is changed into a wish or prayer in the reported speech.
  2. The optative form is changed into a statement.
  3. The conjunction “that” is used in the indirect speech
  4. ‘That’ is used as a linking word after the reporting verb.


  1. She said to him, “May you be happy.”

She wished him that he might be happy.

  1. Mr. John said, “May Jesus save us.”

Mr. John prayed that Jesus might save them.

Optative sentences appear in between irregular sentences as well. For example, this happens when someone wishes for something.

They can be used with subject-verb inversions.


  1. Long live the mighty king.
Optative Sentence


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