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Add 2 Digit Number Using Models

Grade 2
Sep 23, 2022

Key Concepts

  • Add numbers using place value.
  • Use properties of operation to find the sum.
  • Solve few model questions related to addition by using place

Place Value Blocks

Question 1:  

Represent the number 58 using place value blocks.   


58 is written as 5 tens and 8 ones.  

Question 2:  


Elena picked 38 flowers from the garden. Mary picked 25 flowers from the same garden. How many flowers did they pick in all? Use place-value blocks to find the sum. 


Flowers picked by Elena = 38  

Flowers picked by Mary = 25  

Total flowers picked by Elena and Mary is the sum of 38 and 25.  


Let’s use place-value blocks to find the sum of 38 and 25.  

38 is written as 3 tens and 8 ones.  

25 is written as 2 tens and 5 ones.  

The sum of 38 and 25 = 38 + 25  

Join the tens and ones of 38 and 25 


Regrouping 13 ones as 1 ten & 3 ones 

Regrouping 13 ones as 1 ten & 3 ones 

38 + 25 = 63  

So, the total number of flowers picked by Elena and Mary is 63. 

Representation of 2-digit numbers using place value blocks (dots and lines)

Place Value Block 

We can represent the addend using quick drawing as lines and dots. 

Representation of a single dot as 1 one.  

Representation of single line as 1 ten.  

Representation of single line as 1 ten.  


10 ones combine to make 1 ten. 

10 ones combine to make 1 ten. 

Example 1:  

Represent the number 48 using the place value block.  


48 is written as 4 tens and 8 ones.  

48 is written as 4 tens and 8 ones.  

Example 2:  

Represent the number 72 using the place value block.  


72 is written as 7 tens and 2 ones.  

72 is written as 7 tens and 2 ones.  

Sum of the 2-digit numbers using the place value blocks (dots and lines)

Example 1:  

Find the sum of 34 and 55.  


One way:  

34 is written as 3 tens and 4 ones.  

55 is written as 5 ones and 5 tens.  

The sum of 34 and 55 is given as below:  

The sum of 34 and 55 is given as below:  

34 + 55 = 89  

So, the sum of 34 and 55 is 89. 

Another way:  

To find the sum of 34 and 55.  

34 is written as 3 tens 4 ones.  

55 is written as 5 tens 5 ones.  

The sum of 34 and 55 is:  

8 tens and 9 ones is 89.  

So, the sum of 34 and 55 is 89.  

Example 2:  

Find the sum of 43 and 19.  


One way:  

Use quick drawing for addends.  

And then join tens and ones. 

And then join tens and ones. 

Regroup 12 ones as 1 ten & 2 ones. 

Regroup 12 ones as 1 ten & 2 ones. 
Regroup 12 ones as 1 ten & 2 ones. 

Another way:  

To find the sum of 43 and 19.  

43 is written as 4 tens 3 ones.  

19 is written as 1 ten 9 ones.  

The sum of 43 and 19 is:  

12 ones is 1 ten 2 ones  

5 tens 1 ten 2 ones  

50 + 10 + 2 = 62  

So, the sum of 43 and 19 is 62. 

Model question related to the sum of 2-digit numbers using place value block (dots and lines)


Kim counts 45 buttons. Then he counts 27 more buttons. How many buttons does Kim count in all?  


Number of buttons Kim counted in the first = 45 

The number of buttons Kim counted the next time = 27  

Total number of buttons Kim counted in all = Sum of 45 and 27  

One way:  

Let’s find the sum of 45 and 27 by drawing blocks for addends.  

And then join tens and ones.  

And then join tens and ones.  

Regroup 12 ones as 1 ten and 2 ones. 

Regroup 12 ones as 1 ten and 2 ones. 

45 + 27 = 72  

So, Kim counted 72 buttons in all. 

Another way:  

To find the sum of 45 and 27.  

45 is written as 4 tens 5 ones.  

27 is written as 2 ten 7 ones.  

The sum of 45 and 27 is:  

12 ones is 1 ten 2 ones  

6 tens 1 ten 2 ones  

60 + 10 + 2 = 72  

So, Kim counted 72 buttons in all.  


Circle all the number pair in the box that match that sum.  



Question 1:

Find the sum of 27 and 43. Draw place-value blocks to explain your work.

Question 2:

Find the sum of 52 and 39. Draw place-value blocks to explain your work.

Question 3:

In a class there are 30 desks and 46 chairs. How many desks and chairs are there in total?

Question 4:

Sasha plants 24 trees. Monica plants 38 trees. How many trees do they plant in all?

Concept Map

Concept Map

What we have learned

  • Add numbers using place value blocks.
  • Add numbers using properties of operation.
  • Solve model question using place value blocks.
add 2 digit number using models


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