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Graph Data Using Ordered Pair

Grade 5
Sep 20, 2022

Key Concepts

  • Graph data using ordered pairs

How to graph a point on a coordinate grid? 

The following steps explain how to locate a point on the coordinate grid: 

Step 1: Mark the point. 

Step 2: Place the point in the quadrant by identifying the signs of the X and Y coordinates. 

Step 3: Find the X–coordinate of the given point from the origin. 

Step 4: Find the Y–coordinate of the given point from the origin. 

Find the Y–coordinate of the given point from the origin. 

Graph data using ordered pairs 

Example 1: Use the below table to graph the ordered pairs on the grid. 

Example 1


From the given tabular data, the ordered pairs are: 

(1, 4), (3, 8), (5, 10), (7, 11), and (9, 14). 

Number of days can be represented on the X–axis. 


Height can be represented on the Y–axis. 

Step 1: 

First, graph the first ordered pair (1, 4). 

Start at origin, then move 1 unit to the right along X–axis. Move 4 units up from X–axis towards Y–axis as shown in the grid. 

Step 1: 

Step 2: 

Plot the remaining ordered pairs from the table and connect them using a ruler as shown. 

Step 2: 

Example 2: Graph the point (4, 9) on the below grid. 

Example 2:


From the given ordered pair, 

First plot point 4 along X–axis towards upward direction on the grid and mark at the intersecting point 9 of Y–axis in the grid as shown in the below figure with the green point.  


Example 3: Graph and label the given points on the grid. 

A (6, 2), B (1, 4), C (3, 4), D (5, 2), and E (6, 6). 


Example 3: solution


  • Plot the following ordered pairs on the grid.

(6, 9), (4, 7), (8, 7), (6, 5), (4, 3), and (2, 4).

  • Wade plotted a point on the grid, located 3 units right from the origin and moved 5 units up as shown.
Wade plotted a point on the grid, located 3 units right from the origin and moved 5 units up as shown.
  • Find the exact point located by Wade on the grid.
  • Identify and name the ordered pairs in the below grid.
Identify and name the ordered pairs in the below grid.
  • Point H is located 4 units towards the right and 2 units up from the origin. Graph the point on the grid.
  • List the points and ordered pairs shown in the below grid in the form of a table.
List the points and ordered pairs shown in the below grid in the form of a table.
  • Graph and label the given points on the grid.

J (2, 6), K (6, 2), L (4, 5), M (0, 8), and N (3, 9).

  • Graph the below points on the grip.

A (2, 4), B (1, 2), C (2, 0), and D (3,0).

  • Shane buys 3 packets of crayons. Each packet of crayons costs $4.75. He also buys 2 pairs of needles. Each pair costs $5.75. He pays for his purchase with two 30–dollar bills. What is his change?
  • Graph the point (3, 4) on the grid.
  • Identify the ordered pairs from the below grid.
Identify the ordered pairs from the below grid.

What have we learned

  • Understand how to locate points on the grid.
  • Plot ordered pairs on the coordinate plane.
  • Identify and name the plotting points.
  • Graph the points on the grid.


Coordinate plane

A coordinate plane is a two-dimensional surface formed by two numbers intersecting each other at a point zero called the origin.

Coordinate grid

A coordinate grid is a set of grid lines used to graph and name the locations of points in a plane. A grid has a horizontal line called X–axis, and a vertical line called Y–axis intersect at the origin.

Ordered pair

An ordered pair is the pair of elements that exist in a particular order. It is a combination of X–coordinate and Y–coordinate, having two values written in a fixed order within parentheses.


The point at which the X–axis and Y–axis intersect is called the origin.


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