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Representation & Interpretation of Data: Make Bar Graphs

Grade 3
Jul 28, 2023


Bar Graph

A bar graph is a graphical representation of information.

Bars are used in bar graphs. Bar graphs can be created using vertical bars, horizontal bars, or grouped bars.

Steps to Make a Bar Graph:

Step 1: Consider the title from the given data or tally chart.

Step 2: Choose a scale.

Step 3: Consider two axes, vertically and horizontally.


Step 4: Draw the bars according to the given data


A bar graph makes it easy to compare data.

Example of a Bar Graph:

Record the data in the form of a tally chart or information chart.

Choose a scale for each of the axis.


Now, draw a bar graph by using a scale and a data chart.

The horizontal axis shows the kinds of flowers; the vertical axis shows the number of flowers. Here, each grid line represents 2 units.

Grid line represents 2 units
Kinds_Number of Flowers

Example 1:

See the table of data and draw the bar graph.

The bar graph shows information about the number of pages read from a comic book by a group of friends.

Number Of Pages Read


First, select the same title given to the table data.

The title of this bar graph is the ‘number of pages read.’

Next, we select a scale.

Each grid is equal to 5 units/5 pages.

We get the following bar graph.

Bar Graph

Example 2:

Ashley had a fruit basket; he counted the fruits and made a tally chart. Draw the bar graph.

Fruit Basket


First, select the same title given to the table data.

The title of this bar graph is the ‘Fruit Basket.’

Next, we select a scale.

Each grid is equal to 2 units/2 fruits.

We get the following bar graph:

Number of Fruits


  1. See the information in the tally chart below and draw a bar graph.
The Tally Chart

2. James and his friends in school bought some toys. Draw a bar graph to show the number of items of each kind.

The Number Of Items

3. See the tally chart and draw the bar graph.

Draw the Bar Graph

4. See the tally chart and draw a bar graph.

Animals_Tally Chart

Q. (5 and 6) See the tally chart and answer the questions.

Favorite Pets

5. Draw a bar graph.

6. How many more cats are there than dogs?

7. See the tally chart and draw the bar graph.

Bar Graph

8. Draw the bar graph for the tally chart below and compare the number of cars and bikes.

The number of cars and bikes

9. How many more bicycles are there than bikes in the chart below?

Bicycles are there than bikes

10. How many fewer buses are there than cars?

Buses are there than cars

Concept Summary:

Concept Summary
Concept Summary

What We Have Learned:

  • Use a tally chart to make bar graphs
  •  Make bar graphs
Make Bar Graphs


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