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Strategy to Multiply

Grade 4
Sep 19, 2022

Key Concepts

  • Estimation, Standard algorithm, partial products, and word problems

Estimation, standard algorithm, partial products, and word problems 


Estimation means finding a number that is close enough to the right answer. 


Estimate the product of 7 × 489 by rounding to the nearest hundred. 

7 × 489 

489 –>        500 

Multiply 7 × 500 = 3500 


Multiply 7 × 489 = 3,423 

3,423 is close to 3,500. It is reasonable. 

What is meant by a standard algorithm? 

A standard algorithm or method is a specific method of computation that is conventionally taught for solving particular mathematical problems.  

Standard algorithm is a way of doing multiplication by using partial products or multiplying in parts. 

What is meant by partial products? 

A model that breaks numbers down into their factors or place values to make multiplication easier. 


Example 1:

Multiply 215 × 9 

Step1: Multiply 200 × 9 = 1800 

Step2: Multiply 10 × 9 = 90 

Step3: Multiply 5 × 9 = 45 

Step4: Add 1800 + 90 + 45 =1935 


Each T-Shirts’ cost is $485. Find the cost of 6 T-Shirts?  

Each frock’s cost is $4,480. Find the cost of 3 frocks?  

Also, find the total cost for T-Shirts and Frocks. 


6 × 485 = c 

Estimate: 6 × 485 is about 6 × 480= 2,880 

Break apart 485 using place value and the distributive property. 

6 × 485 = 6 × (400 + 85) 

= 6 × 400 + 6 × 85 

= 2400 + 510 

= 2,910 

The total cost of T-Shirts is $ 2,910. 

Find the cost of the dress 3 × 4,480 = y 

Estimate 3 × 4,480 is about 3 × 4,500 =13,440 

Use an area model partial products. 

Example 2: 

Find the product of 3 × (7+4) using the distributive property 

Using the distributive law, we: 

  • Multiply, or distribute, the outer term to the inner terms. 
  • Combine like terms. 
  • Solve the equation. 

3(7+4) = 3(7) + 3(4) 

= 21 + 12 

= 33 

Example 3: 

Let us understand this concept with distributive property examples 

For example, 3(2 + 5) = 3 (7) = 21 


By distributive law 

3(2 + 5) = 3 × 2 + 3 × 5 

= 6 + 15 

= 21 

Here we are distributing the process of multiplying 3 evenly between 2 and 5. We observe that whether we follow the order of the operation or distributive law or not, the result is the same. 

Example 4:

Multiply 9 × 4860 using the standard algorithm model. 



  1. Multiply the ones   
  1. Multiply the tens   
  1. Multiply the hundreds, add any extra hundreds that we were carried over. 
  1. Multiply the thousands, add any extra thousands. 

Example 5: 

Use partial products to multiply 7 × $332. 


Step 1: Estimate the product.                          

332 rounds to 300; 7 × $300 = 2100 

Step 2: Multiply the 3 hundreds, or 300, by 7. 

7 × 300=$2100 

Step 3: Multiply the 3 tens, or 30, by 7.  

7 × 30 =$ 210 

Step 4: Multiply the 2 ones, or 2, by 7. 

7 × 2=$14 

Step 5: Add the partial products. 

So, 7 × $332 = $2,324. Since $2,324 is close to the estimate of $2,100 

Example 6:  

Use partial products to multiply 4 × $534.  

Step 1: Estimate the product.  

4 × $534 is about estimate 4 × $ 500 = $2000        

Step 2: Multiply the 5 hundreds, or 500, by 4. 

4 × 500 = 2000 

Step 3: Multiply the 3 tens, or 30, by 4  

4 × 30 =120 

Step 4: Multiply the 4 ones, or 4, by 4. 

4 × 4 = 16 

Step 5: Add the partial products. 

So, 4 × $ 534 = $2,136. Since $2,136 is close to the estimate of $2,000. 


1.       Solve the following using partial products:

(a) 78 × 8                                                 (b)  6 × 765                                     (c)   4 × 456

2.       Solve the following using distributive property:

   (a)  4 × 564                                             (b)  2 × 465                                     (c)   3 × 590

3.       Find each product by choosing an appropriate strategy.

   (a)  3 × 45                                                (b) 6 × 876                                      (c)   5 × 25

4.       Estimate the sum by rounding the number to the nearest thousand and then multiply.

          (a)  3 x 3,953                                           (b)  5 × 5,458

5.       Solve the following using standard algorithm:

          (a)  5 × 34                                                (b)  6 × 345                                     (c) 7 × 543

6.        A theatre can seat 460 people at one time. If a movie in the theatre fills every seat, every  day for 3 weeks, how many tickets were sold?

7.        A banana contains 105 calories. Last week, Nate and Haley ate a total of 14 bananas. How many calories did they eat?

An office needs to buy 20 new printers and 100 packages of paper. Each printer costs $300. Each package of paper costs $25. What is the cost of the printers and paper combined?

9.        A company sells jerseys for $50 each. In October, they see 32 jerseys. In April, they sold 55 jerseys. What is the total amount of money they earned by selling jerseys in October and April combined?

10.      A toy shop sells 4 toys that cost $200 each. Find the cost of 4 toys?

Concept Map:

What have we learned:

  • Understand estimation
  • Understand  standard algorithm
  • Understand  partial products
  • Understand word problems


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