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Adverbs: Different Categories, uses and examples

Grade 5
Aug 7, 2023

How about we read about the words that seem to be questioned?

[How, how much, Where, Why, When, In what condition, etc.]

These queries appear to be ones that an adverb may respond to. Adverbs are used to add more precision or detail to sentences.

Adverbial categories will be simpler to recognize and change. Let’s talk about how adverbs can describe the moment, place, and style of an event or action.

What Is an Adverb?

A word that gives additional meaning to a verb and describes how, when, where, how frequently, or why something is done is known as an adverb.



  1. The tortoise is very clever.
  2. My Granny walks slowly.
  3. God is present everywhere

Let’s now examine the numerous adverb categories.

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or a sentence. In other words, they are employed to demonstrate the properties of a verb or an adjective. Adverbs can modify another adverb in a sentence, which is a fascinating truth about them.

Adverbs appear in a few different forms, and they serve a variety of functions in sentence constructions.

An adverb is a word that affects the meaning of the following in a sentence.

  1. Verb
  2. Adjective.
  3. An adverb.
  4. Adverbial phrase

Let’s take a closer look at these adverbs.

  1. Adverb Modifying Verb:

Example: She runs Fast

  • Run is a verb.
  • Fast is an adverb

Run is a verb in the previous statement, and fast is an adverb. The verb “run” is modified by the adverb “fast.”

2. Adverb Modifying Adjective


In this mall, we find very sweet mangoes.

  • Sweet is an adjective.
  • Very is an adverb.

Sweet is an adjective and very is an adverb in the above sentence. The adjective “Sweet” is modified by the adverb “very.”

3. Adverb Modifying Another Adverb


She speaks very loudly

  • Very is an adverb
  • Loudly is an adverb

Very and loudly are both adverbs in the previous statement. The adverb “very” modifies the adverb “loudly.”.

4. Adverb Modifying Adverbial Phrase:


She was sitting close beside him.

  • Beside him is an adverbial phrase.
  • Close is an adverb.

In the above sentence, beside him is an adverbial phrase and, close is an adverb. The adverb ‘close’ is modifying the adverbial phrase ‘beside him’.


  1. When an adverb is introduced at the beginning of a sentence, the entire sentence is modified.


  1. Certainly, he is right.
  2. Fortunately, they escaped unhurt.

2. Normally, an adverb often ends in -ly, but there are lots of adverbs that don’t end this way


Adverb examples ending with — Ly

1. Equally 2. Carefully

3. Cheerfully         4. Slowly

5. Badly     6. Sweetly

Adverbs not ending with -ly

1. Afterward         2. Already

3. Fast                   4. Almost

5. Better    6. Best

Let’s examine the many forms of adverbs.

  1. Adverb of time.

The adverb time expresses the time when a task is completed.


Daily, Since, Yesterday, Soon, Tomorrow, Etc.

2. Adverb of place.

The adverb of a place expresses the place of work.


Here, There, Everywhere, In A Way, Up, etc.

3. Adverb of frequency or number.

The adverb of frequency expresses the number of times the action happened.


Frequently, Again, Often, Seldom, Once, Twice, etc.

4. Adverb of manner.

The Adverb of manner expresses how the work was done.


Fast, Swiftly, Quickly, Easily, Slowly, loudly, So, Bravely, etc.

5. Adverb of Degree or Quantity

Adverbs of degree give the sense to what extent or how the intensity of a verb, adjective, adverb, and adverbial phrase.


Fully, rather, very, perfectly, pretty, almost.

6. Adverb of Affirmation and Negation.

Adverbs of affirmation and negation express positive or negative.


Adverb [Certainly, Surely, Definitely, etc.] expressing positivity is called an adverb of affirmation.

Adverbs [Never, Don’t, etc.] that express negativity is called negativity adverbs.

7. Adverb of Reasons.

The adverb of reasons expresses the reason for an action.


Therefore, Hence, On account of, etc.

8. Relative adverbs.

Relative adverbs modify the verbs that follow them and join two sentences together.


What, When, Where, Why, How, Whatever, Whither, Wherever, Whence, etc.

9. Interrogative adverbs.

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.


When, How, What, Where why, how much, how long, how many, etc.



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