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Convert Customary Units of Length

Grade 5
Sep 20, 2022

Some basic customary units of length and relation between them

Some basic customary units of length and relation between them

Distance of customary units (Approximate) 

We can relate the length of units with the given examples: 

  1. The length of a quarter is about 1 inch. 
  1. The length of man’s shoe is about 1 foot. 
  1. The length of a Guitar is about 1 yard. 
  1. The length of a runway at a large airport is about 1 mile. 

Some other examples 

Paper clip, book, door
  • 1st image – Paper clip ( Approx 1 inch) 
  • 2nd image – Book (Approx 1 feet) 
  • 3rd image – Width of door (Approx 1 yard) 

Conversion between the units

Conversion between the units

Example 1: 

Convert 5 feet into inches 

Since, 1 foot =12 inches, Therefore 5 feet = 5 × 12 = 60 inches 


Example 2:  

Convert 12 feet into yards, 

Since, 1 foot = 1/3 yard,  

Therefore, 12 feet = 1/3× 12 yard = 4 yards 

Convert larger units into smaller units 

To convert larger units into smaller units, we need to multiply with the related value. 


Convert feet into inches 

1. 6 feet into inches  

Since 1 feet = 12 inches 

Therefore, 6 feet = 6 × 12 inches 

= 72 inches 

2. 3 yards into feet 

Since, 1 yard = 3 feet 

Therefore, 3 yards = 3 × 3 feet  

= 9 feet 

3. 3 yards into inches 

Since, 1 yard = 36 inches 

Therefore, 3 yards = 36 × 3 inches  

= 108 inches 

Convert smaller units into larger units 

To convert smaller units into larger unit we need to divide with the related value.  

1. Convert inches into feet 

Since 12 inches = 1 feet 

So, 1 inch = 1/12 feet

Now, for 36 inches = 1/12× 36  

Therefore, 36 inches = 3 feet 

2. Convert feet into yard 

Since, 3 feet = 1 yard 

So, 1 foot = 1/3yard 

Now, for 9 yard = 1/3× 9 yard

= 3 yards  

Example 1:  

What if you want to measure the distance from your house to your friend’s house? What unit you will use? 

Example 1:  


  1. Standard System – Mile 
  2. A mile is a long way if you think about it – 1 mile = 1760 yard / 5280 feet 

Example 2: 

Example 2: 

Q1. What is the length of toy car in inches? 

Answer: 6 Inches 

Step 1: Place the ruler at the image. 

Step 2: Check the numbers to count. 

Concept Map

Concept Map

What have we learned

  • Student have learned about the identification of units of length.
  • Convert smaller units to large unit
  • Convert larger unit to smaller unit
  • With different model of images students have become familiar of units of length.
Convert Customary Units of Length


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