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Convert Units of Time

Grade 5
Sep 19, 2022


Measuring time in ancient time? 

Time was once measured using the lengths of shadows formed at different times of the day. 

Modern way of measuring time: The modern convention is to divide it into 24 hours, An hour into 60 minutes, and a minute into 60 seconds.  


  • Day 
  • Hour 
  • Minute 
  • Second 

Let’s understand the units of time with some daily basis time.  

Today, the usual measuring instruments for time are clocks and watches



Ask the following questions: 

  1. How much time do you take to read? 
How much time do you take to read? 

Answer:- About an hour or even more. 

  1. How much time do you play? 
How much time do you play? 

Answer:- About an hour or even more. 


  1.  How much time do you take to drink a glass of milk?  
How much time do you take to drink a glass of milk?  

Answer:- Just a few minutes. 

  1. How much time does it take to comb hair?  
How much time does it take to comb hair?  

Answer:- Just a few minutes. 


Very short durations are expressed in seconds which is the smallest time unit. 

  1. How much time does it take to kick a ball?  

Answer:- Just a second. 

Units of time and relation between them

Units of time and relation between them

Conversion between the units of time 

To convert from one unit of time to another unit, we need to multiply or divide.  

Conversion between the units of time 

Example 1 

Example 1

1. Convert 67 minutes into seconds. 

Solution: 67 min = 67 × 60 

=  4020 sec 

2. Convert 4 ½  hours into minutes

Solution: 4 ½ hr = 4 × 60 + ½ × 60 

= 240 + 30  

=  270 min  

3. Convert 250 minutes into hours and minutes. 

Solution: 1 hr = 60 min  or  60 min = 1 hr 

250 min = 250/60 

= 4 hr 10 min 

4. Convert 81 hours into days and hours. 

Solution: 1 day = 24 hr  or  1 hr = 1/24 day 

= 81 hr  

= 81/24 hr  

= 3 days  9 hr 

Example: – Shelly took 1 hr 27 minutes to cook the food and 240 seconds to get ready for the office. Find the total time she has taken in minutes? 

Solution: Shelly took 1 hr 27 minutes + 240 seconds 

= 1 × 60 + 27 + 240/60 

= 60 + 27 + 4 

= 91 min

Concept Map

Concept Map
Day Hour Minute Second


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