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Real Numbers – Concept & Explanation

Grade 8
Sep 7, 2022

Key Concepts

• Fraction

• Rational number

• Decimal number

• Irrational number

• Number line


• Perfect squares

Compare and order Real Numbers

Representation of a fraction: 

Charles’s mother made a pizza at home on a Sunday. She wants to serve it to Charles, Lisa (Charles’s elder sister) and Michelle (Charles’s younger sister). 

Can you guess how much of pizza each one will get? 





is called a fraction. 

Rational number: 

Rational numbers are those numbers that are integers and can be expressed in the form of x/y, where both numerator and denominator are integers. 


1/3 is an example of rational number. 

Decimal number: 

Similarly, if we convert the fraction 1/2

we get 0.5 which is a terminating decimal number. 

Irrational Numbers: 

An irrational number is a type of real number that cannot be represented as a simple fraction. It cannot be expressed in the form of a ratio. When irrational numbers are expressed in the decimal form, they go on forever, even after the decimal point, without repeating numbers. Thus, they are also known as non-terminating, non-repeating numbers. 

Let’s see an example: 

If we find the value of √5, 

The answer will be 2.23606797749979 

If we observe the numbers after decimal point, the numbers are non-terminating non-repeating. 

The most common irrational number is: 

Pi (π) = 22/7

= 3.14159265358979… 

Number Line: 

Let’s think about where 4.5, 1.838383… and π should be placed on a number line. 

  • 1.838383… is placed closer to the 2 because as a rounded number, it would be rounded to 2. 
  • π is placed closer to the 3 because π is approximately 3.1416. 
  • 4.5 is halfway between 4 and 5. 

Perfect Squares: 

Table showing perfect squares and their square roots: 

1.3.1 Approximation of Irrational Numbers 

Irrational Numbers: 

An irrational number is a type of real number that cannot be represented as a simple fraction. It cannot be expressed in the form of a ratio. When irrational numbers are expressed in the decimal form, they go on forever, even after the decimal point, without repeating numbers. Thus, they are also known as non-terminating, non-repeating numbers. 

If N is irrational, then N is not equal to


, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to 0. 

Let us see an example: 

If we find the value of √5, 

The answer will be 2.23606797749979 

Estimating irrational numbers: 

  1. Count up until you hit a square root that works. 
  1. Count down until you hit a square root that works. 
  1. Square root the high and low number, then graph their points on a number line. 
  1. Your estimate should be somewhere between those two numbers. 


Estimate √5 using perfect squares, and then graph your estimate on the number line 


Step1: Count up until you hit a square root that works. 

Step 2: Count down until you hit a square root that works. 

Step 3: Square root the high and low number, then graph their points on a number line. 

Step 4: Your estimate should be somewhere between those two numbers. 

Step 5: For better approximation, square decimals between 2 and 3. 

1.3.2 Comparing Two Irrational Numbers 

Let us compare the two irrational numbers √7 and 2.513461 

 Step1: Approximate √7 using perfect squares. 

√4 < √7 < √9 

2 < √7 < 3 

Find a better approximation by using decimals 

2.6 x 2.6 = 6.76 

2.7 x 2.7 = 7.29 

2.6 < √7 <2.7 

Step 2: Approximate 2.513461 as a rational number by rounding to the nearest tenth. 

2.513461 = 2.5 

Step 3: Plot each approximation on a number line to compare. 

With the above approximation, we can say 

2.513461 < √7  

1.3.3 Comparing and Ordering Rational and Irrational Numbers 

Let us write the following set of rational and irrational numbers in order from least to greatest. 



, 8.22, 8

19, 8.35235246… 

Step 1: To compare numbers, you must first make them all into decimals. 



= 8.2 




= 8.1111111….  


Step 2: Approximate 8.35235246… and 8.1111111…. as rational numbers by rounding them to the nearest tenth. 

8.35235246… = 8.3 

8.1111111… = 8.11 

Step 3: Plot each approximation on a number line to compare. 


1.     Estimate √24 and graph your estimation on a number line

  • Put the following sets of numbers in order on the number line below.
  • Put the following sets of numbers in order on the number line below
  • Compare the following rational numbers using the symbols < or >
  • Which of the following rational or irrational numbers belongs between the 5 and the 6 on the number line below?
  • Compare the following numbers using < or >

√32 ⬜ 5.1 √38 ⬜ √42 √17 ⬜ 5/2 √49 ⬜ 7.1

  • Compare the following numbers using < or >

√99 ⬜ 28/3 √17 ⬜ 4.5 43/5 ⬜ √65 √12 ⬜ √21

  • List the following numbers in order from least to greatest.
  • List the following numbers in order from least to greatest.
  • List the following numbers in order from least to greatest.

What we have learnt

• 1.3.1 About fractions, rational numbers, decimal numbers, irrational numbers, number line, perfect squares and Approximation of Irrational Numbers

■ 1.3.2 Comparing Two Irrational numbers

• 1.3.3 Comparing and Ordering Rational and Irrational Numbers

Concept Map: 

Real Numbers


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